About Kim Kies
SomaYoga Wellbeing developed out of a passion to help empower others to create greater wellness within themselves and their communities. It has been recognized that wellness involves working through multiple dimensions (such as the body, mind, emotions, being, relationships, and the environment), and to be present with the truths that the integration of them holds for each person. Wellbeing involves tapping into one's awareness and learning to become more skillful in working with ourselves. Understanding change and transformation through gaining greater skill in tapping into inner awareness has been the crux of my studies, which I am applying with these services.
I hold a doctoral degree in Human Science from Saybrook University. I also hold two other graduate degrees, one in Anthropology and the other in Public Health. I worked in public health for over a decade and in program evaluation and academiafor a similar period of time. I currently work full time as a certified yoga therapist and certified somatic educator with Insight Counseling and Wellness in Madison, WI. Throughout the years, I have seen and experienced the complex web of health and wellness through working in both clinical and community settings that involved domestic violence, community health assessment, HIV, obesity, physical activity, nutrition, minority health and health disparities, integrative health, chronic pain, and mental health.
I also have over 40 years of experience working with my body-mind-being through the Martial Art of Taekwondo and have been working with somatic education since 2008, integrating yoga therapy training and practices shortly afterward. My interest in self-development through the body, mind, and being has more recently deepened in the past 20 years through meditation, yoga, indigenous, emotional change practices, and somatic education.
I hold reverence and openness for learning in each moment to those with whom I work. My work is to bring forth my own learning about mind-body oriented practices to others through the vehicles of Yoga, meditation, Clinical Somatics Education, coaching, teaching, research, and writing.
B.S. Biology; University of Wisconsin-La Crosse
M.A.(Anthropology); Wichita State University
MPH(Master’s of Public Health); Univ. of Kansas School of Medicine
PhD (Human Science); Saybrook Graduate School and Research Center
Additional Training and Certifications
Mindfulness Meditation Teacher Certification ---2023
Vishoka Meditation Teacher Certification ---2021
Integral Facilitation ---2018
Yoga Therapy Certification -----IAYT ---2019
Yoga Teacher Certification RYT500 ---2015
Yoga Teacher Certification RYT200---2014
Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction Class---2013
Clinical Somatics Education Certification---2009
Wellness Coach Certification---2008
Lifestyle Management: Essentials of Coaching for Fitness Professionals Certification---2007
NASM Personal Trainer Certification---2006
Corrective Exercise Specialist Certification---2012
Conscious Embodiment Training---2006
Gestalt Intervention Training---2000
Conflict Resolution Course---1999
3rd Degree Black Belt in Taekwondo---1998
CPR and First Aid Certification---2012
Socially Engaged Spirituality Certificate Program---2003
Insight Meditation Retreat---2002
Selected Contract Work
Healthy Back Health Fair
Spooner Health Systems
Spooner Adult Continuing Education
Yoga North
Santosha Yoga Studio
Yoga Loft
Joy in Yoga
Capital Fitness